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The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword


I believe that writing is a powerful medium to explore, transmit, and exchange ideas. I enjoy writing mostly because it requires to gain clarity in thought.

Energy, Infrastructure, Sustainability 

Plädoyer für eine helvetische Klimawerkstatt. Proposal for Switzerland to develop clean-tech solutions for the world - along the framework of mission-oriented innovation. In ;die Republik, March 2020. Part I, Part II.

State-Owned Enterprises and the Low-Carbon Transition. Jointly with A. Prag and D. Röttgers (2018). OECD Discussion Paper. OECD Publishing. Paris.

Metriken sind politisch. Wie lassen sich Fortschritte im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel messen?  In: Internationale Politik, Mercator-Sonderausgabe 2017. Berlin.


Denkt systemisch! In: Schweizer Monat, May 2017.

The Regulation of Existing Power Plants with a view to Maximise Security of Supply in Switzerland (2016). Jointly with U. Trinkner, T. Geissman, M. Kern, B. Pirker, and C. Nabe. Report mandated by the Swiss Federal Ministry of Energy. (Report in German). 


Vertical Unbundling of Swiss Gas Utilities (2016). Jointly with U. Trinkner, M. Funk, S. Rutz, R. Bleisch, M. Hafner, and J. Yusof (2016). Report mandated by the Swiss Federal Ministry of Energy. (Report in German).


Electricity Market Liberalisation in the EU and its Implications for Switzerland  (2015). Jointly with U. Trinkner and I. Martin. Report mandated by DSV. (Report in German).


Experiences with Electricity Market Liberalisation in the EU  (2015). Jointly with U. Trinkner. In: Die Volkswirtschaft 1/2015, pp. 58 -61. FDF/SECO: Berne. (Article available in German and French).


Competition is being suffocated in the grid. In: Avenir Spezial Energie 2012, pp. 16-17. Avenir Suisse: Zurich. (Article in German). 


Public Policy & Innovation Governance

Wie kommen wir endlich zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit? Mit systemischer Innovation?
Gemeinsam mit B. Müller: Medium.

Was jetzt anders werden kännte  wenn wir wollen. Proposal for social and political reforms after Covid. In: Republik, May 2020.

Die einsame Volkskrankheit. Two in-depth analyses on the causes, manifestations and public management of depressions. In: Republik, June 2019. Part I, Part II, Commentary.

Economic inclusion alone won't tame the far right. (2017) Jointly with J. de Weck. Argo Note #3.


Save workers, not jobs. Lifelong learning for a long life of employment (2017). Jointly with L. Schijf. Argo Note #2.

Zuwanderung ist Backpulver für unseren Wohlstand (Handelszeitung, 2015). Jointly with L. Zobrist. Commentary on the economic effects of immigration on the Swiss economy based on recent statistical data.

Nicht alles Gold glänzt. (2014).Commentary on a proposed law to demand from the Swiss National Bank to hold 20% of its assets in gold. Written on behalf of Operation. Libero.


Switzerland and the EU: The Heavy Cost of Isolation. Jointly with N. Forster (20.03.14.). In: The Huffington Post Online.


The limits of quotas. Why a centrally planned migration policy is not in Switzerland's interest. Jointly with A. Beerli, Ch. Preisig, and St. Schlegel (2014). foraus - Discussionpaper Nr. 20. foraus – Forum Aussenpolitik: Berne. (Paper in German).

Fiscal Implications of the 1:12-Initiative. Jointly with Ch. Jaag, Ch. Keuschnigg, J. Parra-Mayano, and S. Strube-Martins (2013) University of St. Gallen / Swiss Economics: St. Gallen / Zurich. (Report in German). Report mandated by the Schweizerischer Gewerbeverband.

Cantons as Corporations. Challenge: Risk Management. Jointly with U. Meister (2012). In: Die Volkswirtschaft, 6/2012, pp. 21-24. FDF/SECO: Berne. (Article available in German and French)

Politics & Political Philosophy


​Demokratiemonitor 2050. Repräsentative Umfrage zum Zustand und zur Lösungsfähiugkeit der Demokratie. Gemeinsam mit gfs.Bern, Che Wagner und Nathalie Klasuer.

Die Schweiz im Systemkampf - die autokratische Bedrohhung. Teil 1, Teil 2. Debattenbeitrag für Pro Futuris.

Demokratie im Notfallmodus. Gemeinsam mit Che Wagner. Debattenbeitrag für Pro Futuris.

Affektive Polarisierung untergräbt unser demokratisches System - was tun? Gemeinsam mit Che Wagner in Le Temps, 2022. Version française.

Wie eine Demokratie streiten kann, ohne zu zerfallen. Debattenbeitrag für Pro Futuris.

Polarisierung der Gefühle und Ideen. Debattenbeitrag für Pro Futuris.

Fritz's Binoculars,, 12. November 2018

Ich klage an (engl. I accuse). In: Die Zeit, 7. November 2018. Short commentary on the appearance of anti-Soros conspiracy theories in Swiss politics. 

Stammestriebe (engl. Tribal Spirits), in Schweizer Monat, Juli/August 2018. An essay on the effects of tribalism on political institutions against the backdrop of social identity theory, incl. three possible ingredients for a humane form of identity politics.


Europe - a Continent of Liberation - Even for the Swiss. Interview with F. Bormann (2018).  German-French Young Leaders.

Freiheit ist mehr als weniger StaatJointly with St. Schlegel (2015). In Schweizer Monat (Online Publication).


Wir Kinder von 1848.  Jointly with D. Elser (2014). In: Die Zeit, 12. September 2014. 


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